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Some positive effects of omega-3 (essential) fatty acids

Lowers blood cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

In pregnant women, they help the development of the foetus and reduce the risk of premature birth.

In infants, it has a role in the development of proper visual acuity and mental development.

The positive effects are supported by research:

The first studies on the health-promoting role of omega-3 fatty acids were carried out among Greenlandic Eskimos over a period of nearly 20 years.

It was observed that, while heart attacks and vascular disease and mortality are on the rise in the civilised world, among the Eskimo, who eat almost exclusively seafood, this disease is almost non-existent.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the realisation was added to by the fact that in areas with a high prevalence of cardiovascular disease, more people were also suffering from depression. But where fish consumption is more popular, the incidence of both diseases is much lower.

The researchers explain its beneficial effects on depression by the fact that omega-3 deficiency causes a disturbance in brain function that reduces the ability to cope with stressful situations, leading to depression through the development of a helpless state.

According to recent research, children whose bodies regularly get omega-3 fatty acids have improved their ability to solve problems, understand tasks more quickly and improve their school results.

Optimal intake is crucial for children until around the age of 14, as this is the age at which children’s brains develop most.

According to Dr. Katalin Borsi-Lieber, the researchers concluded that all these positive changes are due to the important role of omega-3 fatty acids in the communication processes between nerve cells in the brain.

In this way, omega-3 fatty acids stimulate the areas of the brain responsible for thinking and cognition, leading to improved concentration.

Sea buckthorn seed oil has a high omega-3 content, and its regular consumption can be a solution for the prevention of the above-mentioned civilisation diseases.

Seaberry Hungary
“Health is not a luxury for us”
